We have long had a policy here at the NJ Vipers that we do not poach players from other organizations.  We do not want it done to us and choose not to do it to others.  We have tryout periods, we will post for openings and if a prospective player approaches us, we will have a discussion and explore possible synergies.

We have experienced this season other programs actively trying to poach our players, and we hear that others are considering to start and will be looking at our players…actively soliciting them.

We believe our approach is the right one…it demonstrates how we are ALL IN on our kids.  We know that we are never a finished product.  We are always looking to get better as we anticipate and embrace changes.

Our parents should take solace in the fact that we do not pursue a poaching approach to grow our organization.  Our reputation, transparency, track record and approachability have shown to be more than enough to always grow our program.  We will continue to pursue that path.


Bob Germano



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